Maitland Wellness Centre therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2005

Maitland Wellness Centre


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Maitland Wellness Centre is an Acupuncture and Massage clinic with 10 therapists, established 19 years ago by Bjorn Mella. We are open six days a week for both Acupuncture and Massage appointments. We have fully qualified acupuncturists, herbalist and massage therapists and offer a number of different services that can be modified to suit your condition.

The Maitland Wellness Centre

Servicing area

Maitland, New South Wales

Focus areas

Facial Sinus Muscle tension Tight muscles Muscle injury Lifestyle

Business hours
Monday 9:00 am – 5:15 pm
Tuesday 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Wednesday 9:00 am – 4:30 pm
Thursday 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Friday 9:00 am – 5:15 pm
Saturday 9:00 am – 12:30 pm
Sunday closed

How can Acupuncture help me?

Acupuncture is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine and has been used for over 2000 years for variety of health related problems.

If you would like to enquire about any specific conditions please contact us for further information. We are happy to answer any questions you may have related to your specific problem.

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is the insertion of very fine sterile needles into specific points or channels around the body. In Chinese Medicine these channels are seen as an interconnected network between the organs and the pathways through which Qi (loosely translated as energy) and blood flow through the body. By needling the points, the Qi and blood, yin and yang can be regulated to make them balanced. The points chosen correspond to the type of condition presented and may change from treatment to treatment. The purpose of Acupuncture is to maintain or restore the body to a natural state of wellbeing and to increase the body’s ability to function.

Acupuncture takes a wholistic approach to understanding disease processes. The treatment targets not just the presenting signs and symptoms; it looks at the underlying conditions, other health problems and the general state of health and wellbeing.

Acupuncture is part of an integrated system of primary health care, known as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that has an uninterrupted history dating back more than 3000 years.

How many treatments do I need?

Acourse of treatments is individually tailored by the therapist. The number of treatments suggested will vary from patient to patient and for different conditions. Generally a treatment plan of 1-2 times a week for 2-4 weeks is recommended.

Other therapies or modalities may be incorporated in the Acupuncture treatment according to the condition and your preferences.

Massage: Massage may be done as part of an Acupuncture treatment and is also available separately from our 4 Massage therapists; more information about this further down the page.

Cupping: Glass or Pyrex cups are applied using a suction method to soft tissue areas. This is generally used in conjunction with acupuncture or massage therapy. The suction helps to stretch and release the tight muscles, increase blood circulation and to remove blockages.

Herbal patches or liniments: Specially formulated herbal patches and liniments may be applied to the body to encourage healing and to help with the overall function of the treatment. These can also be purchased from the clinic for home use.

Herbs: Chinese herbs may be suggested by your therapist to aid your treatment. The herbs are in a capsule or pill form. The formula will vary according to your condition and may change from week to week. If you prefer to use the herbs without the acupuncture, we suggest a herbal consultation to determine which formula bests suits your needs.

Lifestyle and dietary advice: Your therapist may suggest to you certain stretches/exercises or activities to encourage further healing and maintenance. Dietary advice may also be given.

Moxibustion: This is the smouldering of a dried herb (Mugwort) near the surface of the skin. The herb is removed when it becomes hot. This is to stimulate the energy (or Qi) flow, warms the muscles and removes blockages. Moxa can be purchased for personal use.

Electro stimulation: Small electrical cables are attached to the needle causing a gentle electrical current to penetrate onto the body. This is useful in relaxing the muscles and tendons, increasing blood supply and removing blockages.

What can I expect when I come in?

When you arrive for your first consultation you will be required to fill out a questionnaire. This enables the therapist to get an overview of your health history. A general physical examination is conducted and you will be asked a number of questions regarding your condition as to enable a diagnosis to be made from a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective. The therapist will then discuss your therapeutic options with you and commence treatment.

What can I expect from the treatment?

Acupuncture consultation and treatments take approximately one hour. Once you have gone through your initial consult your treatment will begin. This involves the insertion of fine needles into various points on the body. You may feel a slight sting upon insertion of the needle although the discomfort is usually minimal. Most people find acupuncture treatments relaxing.The Acupuncturist may manipulate the needles to obtain De Qi (to get the energy to come to the needle). This feeling is most often described as a tingling, numbness or a heavy, achy feeling. This is all perfectly normal, but make sure to let your therapist know if you are experiencing any pain or discomfort. In some instances you may feel nothing at all. This is also perfectly normal. You will be regularly reassessed during the treatment to determine if you require any additional needles, or if other methods may be incorporated such as massage or Moxibustion.

What can I do to assist my therapy?

    • Setting personal health goals
    • Enjoy nutritious food and regular exercise and fresh air
    • Cultivating a positive mental attitude
    • Ensuring you get adequate rest and relaxation

Are there any side effects?

Acupuncture is considered to be a very safe and have few side effects when performed by a registered Acupuncturistmed. All needles used are sterile and unwrapped prior to use. They are then disposed of immediately after treatment.

Some patients may experience redness or itching at the site of needle insertion. Occasionally, bruising may appear the following day.

Everybody responds to Acupuncture differently, however the main sensation people comment on is a feeling of relaxation and increased energy. Generally you will feel less pain and discomfort, and may have better movement. It is not uncommon to feel tired after a treatment. In some instances, you may feel nothing initially, however the following days, changes may be noticed. Acupuncture is not a “miracle” treatment, and conditions are not “cured” immediately. It may take a few treatments to notice any major changes not just to your condition, but with your overall health and wellbeing.

What is Massage Therapy?

Massage therapists use long, smooth strokes, kneading and other movements focused on superficial and deep layers of muscle using massage oil or lotion. It relieves muscle tension and pain, increases flexibility and mobility, and helps clear lactic acid and other waste, which reduces pain and stiffness in muscles and joints.
What are the benefits of massage therapy?
Massage therapy can be used for relaxation, or to help with a variety of health complaints:

    • Back pain
    • Inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and tendinitis
    • Stress relief and stress-related conditions
    • Headaches and migraines
    • Muscle and related conditions such as spasms, strains and sprains
    • Repetitive strain injury, such as carpal tunnel syndrome
    • Circulation and respiratory problems
    • Post-injury and post surgical rehabilitation
    • Reduces swelling and fluid build up
    • Massage therapy helps to improve the body’s immune system
    • Relaxation

What type of massage do I need?

Swedish/relaxation: a full body treatment with a combination of relaxing deep and superficial tissue massage to relax the mind and body. Helps you unwind.

Deep tissue massage: focused on deep tissues, gives a deep relaxation and stretch to the muscle. Relaxing and rejuvenating.

Remedial Massage: focused on injury remedial assists in the removal of built up tension and scarring deep within the muscle.

Trigger Point Massage: most often used in combination with remedial, trigger point is specifically targeted at tension sites.

Sports Massage: used before and after heavy sports activity to warm up or cool down the muscles.

Myofacial Release: this technique is a gentle stretch which focuses on the muscle sheath, allowing more flexibility through the joints and relaxation of muscles.

Pregnancy Massage: helps relieve many of the normal discomforts of pregnancy eg backache, leg cramps and headaches. In addition, massage reduces stress on weight-bearing joints, encourages circulation and relax nervous tension.

Lymphatic Drainage: a gentle whole body treatment that relaxes the nervous system and aids the body's immune system. It is recommended for people with low immunity , swollen nodes, excess fluids and cold/flu recovery.

Reflexology: is massage of the feet, based on the principle that certain parts of the body reflect the whole. These points respond to pressure, stimulating the body's own natural healing process.

Indian Head Massage: is a form of massage working on the upper back, shoulders, upper arms, neck, scalp and face, using firm yet gentle rhythmic movements. Can be helpful for easing headaches, stress, anxiety, sinus and insomnia. Treatments generally last 30 minutes.

Therapist profiles

Bjorn Mella MA, B Applied Science in Acupuncture. UTS
Bjorn completed his Acupuncture training at the University of Technology (UTS) in Sydney in 1994 and undertook and Internship in Guanxio, China. Bjorn sat exams to practice acupuncture in the United States, worked for five years in the New England region while also completing a Masters Degree examining health and spirituality at Clark University. While living in the USA, Bjorn also undertook an Internship at the Centre for Mindfulness, Healthcare and Society at the University of Massachusetts Medical School and is continuing his mindfulness practice.

Bjorn established Maitland Wellness Centre based on mindfulness principles, with the intention that each patient receives total attention and care of the therapist.

Meshelle Bell - B Applied Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine. UWS Diploma Chinese Massage (SITCM)
Meshelle is a university qualified Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner who also holds a Diploma in Chinese Remedial Massage and a Certificate of Clinical Internship and an Honorary Certificate of Voluntary Medial Assistance from Jiangsu Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Nanjing, China. She spent two years after graduating from university living and working in Asia (China and Taiwan) where she worked within a hospital and external clinical setting.

Shell Brodie - Bachelor of Science (Psychology), Bachelor of Health Science (Acupuncture), Diploma of Fitness, Certificate IV in Traditional Chinese Remedial Massage (An Mo Tui Na).
Shell studied acupuncture at Endeavour College of Natural Health in Melbourne before moving to Maitland. Being a qualified and registered personal trainer and acupuncturist, Shell applies her passion for health and wellbeing to make sure our clients receive the best possible outcome for their health issues.

Patricio (Patrick) Navia - is a university qualified acupuncturist, traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, naturopath and registered nurse who has gained his qualifications from RMIT, University of New England, Newcastle University and Sydney University. Having over 25 years' experience as a healthcare professional, Patrick is very passionate in the belief that good health is a basic human right.

Kerrie Hile - Diploma in Remedial Massage (2015), Certificate III in Fitness and Certificate in Pregnancy Massage (Pregnancy Massage Australia)
Kerrie comes from a nursing background of 20 years' with experience in medical, emergency and rehabilitation. Having a keen interest in sport and fitness, Kerrie is able to offer advice in correct stretching and enjoys working with you to assist in reducing stiff and sore muscles.

John Crombie - Diploma of Remedial Massage
John has gained over 20 years' experience, including owning and running his own practice in Scotland. He can treat a number of problems and ailments both acute and chronic from back, shoulder, hips, legs and neck pain to sport's muscular injuries. John also offers Indian Head massage and Reflexology.

Nicole Bean - Diploma of Remedial Massage
With her completion of a diploma, Nicole has training and experience in Trigger Point therapy, soft tissue release including Lymphatic Drainage and deep tissue techniques.  Nicole is an avid believer in the power of touch and soft tissue manipulation for the treatment of an array of ailments ranging from psychological origins to muscle tension.

Kanjana Nantanachid - Diploma of Remedial Massge (Melbourne College)

Kanjana has been working in the massage industry for more than 10 years.  She is proficient at relieving muscle injury and tension.  Kanjana combines traditional Thai massage which focusses on deep muscle release and remedial massage.  The advantage of this technique is to receive both relaxation and treatment at the same time.

What is the cost of treatments?


Initial consultation and treatment $97.00
Follow up treatment (1 hour) $90.00

Please note that if herbs are prescribed by your therapist this will involve an additional cost (typically $18 per item) 

Half Hour $65.00
1 hour $90.00
90 Mins $135.00

Herbal consultation:
Half hour $65.00 for $30 minutes
Herbal supplies range from $10.00 to $40.00 per week which are an additional cost to the consult fee

Gift Vouchers

Gift vouchers are available for purchase from the clinic for Massage, Acupuncture or Herbal Consultation. The recipient is also able to choose their preference depending on their requirements. Vouchers for a 1 hour treatment are $90.00, however they can also be purchased for a specified amount.

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction

There are currently no courses planned although Bjorn continues to incororate mindfulness exercises with his Acupuncture treatments when apropriate.

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is an eight week course that teaches evidenced based techniques to reduce stress. It is helpful to people who are suffering a range of chronic conditions including pain, anxiety and depression. The course may be run up to twice a year (depending upon demand) and classes are generally 2.5 hours one night per week.  There is also a full day retreat on a Sunday between week 6 and 7 of the course.

Participants will be invited to explore the following practices:

    • Experiencing body and mind through yoga and meditation
    • Informal and formal mindfulness practices
    • Lying down body scan, mindful breathing and walking meditation
    • Mindful communication and inquiry related to home practice
    • Exploration of patterns of thinking, feeling and action

The full day retreat is held between week 6 and 7 of the course.

The MBSR course is taught by Bjorn Mella, who completed his training at the University of Massachusetts Medical School under Jon Kabot Zinn. For information on future classes or enquiries please contact the clinic.


3 Services


$97 Per session


$90 Per session


  • Chinese Medicine Practitioner (Government Registered)
  • Registered Remedial Massage Therapists

Professional Membership

  • AACMA - Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association
  • ATMS - Australian Traditional Medicine Society
  • Chinese Medicine Board of Australia

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